Park Party Filming Blog

On Wednesday , the 1st I started filming with my group for the remaining shots we needed. All of my group members showed up so we were able to film the shots we needed to film. The location we chose was Middle River Terrace Park near the school. The park was a pretty empty with the exception of a few kids with their moms and dads so there weren't any filming issues.  My group and i decided that i was going to ask one of the parents and their kid if they wanted to be in the video, so i went up to a mom and introduced myself and my group and what we were doing. In the end she agreed to be in the video. I picked up filming and making sure to re-shoot certain scenes as we went along, but there was one scene which was a one time things since there wasn't enough confetti. The first scene i filmed was the scene in which one of the actors started decorating and setting up the birthday table. Then one of my group members filmed the next scene in which i was in. In that scene i had to blow the balloons and set them up in the trees. The next scene was filmed by me, i was filming the mom covering the little girls eyes while walking towards the table. Since my group and i decided we were all going to be in one scene i decided to ask my boyfriend if he wanted to come along to help us film in some scenes. Some scenes which were filmed by my boyfriend was the scene where we were all singing happy birthday. I had a great time filming since after the filming was over we were eating the cake we bought at target. 


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