Other Info
3/7-3/8 - We are going to start filming on these days at her house. We're mostly going to focus on the beginning scenes.
3/9-3/10- We will finalize our filming and add our finishing touches and refilm some things we need to re film. We have seven scenes in total, so we can do half. On one day and half for another.
3/28-3/31- We are going to start the editing process and hopefully finish it by the from the title designs to the subheadings. And more.
We are filming at my apartment.
Actors: Naiara- playing Ashley
Melvin- playing Marvin
Jeni- the girl
Filming :
Editing :
Withly and Melvin
Health and safety
To make sure that we’re safe we will have all of our locations turned on while arriving to the apartment and have an adult in the building while filming. It’s not really any Stunts involved with the filming but just to make sure we will keep a first aid kit on deck. Well also have access to a phone just in case we need to call 911.
Back up plan
If this idea doesn’t go right we’ll probably go with our first pitch and have someone do the driving with a permit for over one year. For safety precautions while we are seatbelts and we won’t text while driving. Will also make sure we have an adult or parent in the car. If someone can’t make it to filming or just cut it to two friends.
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